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SafeSack Scandinavia timeline historical events and future sustainability goals

  • 1999 SafeSack Scandinavia AB is established

    The family business SafeSack Scandinavia AB is established by the current CEO, Andreas Bertha.

  • 2001 First environmental policy established

    A first environmental policy is established. Read our current environmental policy under environmental policies above.

  • 2013 Land & Construction

    The company is investing in land and starting the construction of new office spaces. In the fall of 2013, the head office will move to the new premises.

  • 2016 - Investment in New Warehouse

    We are building our first warehouse. The warehouse becomes approved bonded warehouse by customs authorities and now serves our export markets with competitive prices.

  • 2017 - SafeSack Finland Oy is established.

    A subsidiary is established in Finland. SafeSack Finland Oy with its headquarters in Helsinki.

  • 2020 - Expansion of warehouse

    We are installing solar panels as we build our second warehouse. The panels have a total capacity of 50 kW.

  • 2022 - We are expanding our solar panel installation.

    To further streamline our in-house production of solar energy, the company is investing in doubling the existing facility to 100 kW. In order to capitalize on excess production, energy storage in the form of a battery pack equivalent to 80 kWh are also installed.

  • 2023 - Energy efficiency

    Mapping and analysis of our energy consumption is initiated to see how it can be further optimized.

  • 2024 - Sustainability manager hired

    We are adding a new position as sustainability manager. The person will be responsible for the company's sustainability work towards CSR.

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